
Liivrand & Partnerid Law Office offers legal services in the following areas:

  • Employment law (labour disputes, employment contracts;)
  • Law of obligation (including contracts of sale, lease contracts, loan agreements, authorisation agreements, contracts for services);
  • Property law (ownership and real estate issues, common ownership);
  • Law of succession (intestate succession, testate succession);
  • Administrative law (misdemeanours, traffic accidents and related cases);
  • Penal law (representation in misdemeanour cases, preparing objections in misdemeanour judgments, challenging judgments made in misdemeanour cases, filing complaints and petitions, representation in criminal court);
  • Preparing legal documents (claims, counterclaims, responses, petitions, letters, contracts, complaints);
  • Full procedure matters (communication with bailiffs, preparing documents, etc.).

If the service You are interested in is not listed above, please contact us regarding the possibility of providing legal assistance in the area You are interested in.